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Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Proud Mom's Moment

She's been singing in her choir for a while now and loving it. She's been telling me she wants to cantor- when you stand on the alter and the choir backs you up while singing. Well her church had mass for children grades 1-3. They asked for volunteers to read/do intentions/ bring up gifts. 

I emailed the head teacher and told her she could do intentions. I didn't think she would be ready for a reading- standing on the Alter alone. Our church fits hundreds of people. The thought of her standing on stage intimated me, I couldn't imagine how she would feel. 

They said since she is choir she couldn't BUT then asked if she could do the opening. This is when mass is quiet. Everyone is sitting still and waiting for the priest and alter servers to walk in. I left the decision to her and she was excited. 

I was so nervous. On my way to church I started to feel as if I was the one standing in front of hundreds of people I kept saying I will sit right in front. Just look at me if you get nervous. I didn't share how nervous I was. 

Sure enough she goes up. I sneak my camera to video tape it. She rocks it. Like nothing. Piece of cake. She even looks up a couple of times while reading. 

She goes back and then puts her choir gown on to sing. I am beaming. As we get ready to go up for the bread I see her from the corner of my eye. She is on stage cantoring infront of hundreds of people. I am speechless. 

She will be 8 soon. 8! I haven't achieved half of the stuff she has by this age. She's amazing. I can brag because I never do. My eyes fill up with tears when I see her sing and now she's on the alter leading the choir. She's more than I ever imagined she would be. I am her number one fan and always will be! 

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