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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Are You A Hunter or A Farmer?

Before you answer this question, really think about the characteristics. In life, in a relationship, in your career, the type you are drives your habits. 

Now to summarize it from my understanding the "farmer" is more typical. The farmer likes stability, structure, routine. The "hunter" is more risky and adventures. The hunter is like a cheetah- goes after what it wants with full speed but burns out quickly and moves on to the next. Easily distracted and likes change and adventure. 

I for one am a farmer. I like routine, stability, I do not like unstable situations. They make me uneasy. I do like to nurture and do things a certain way. When unstability comes my way I go into a panic mode. Not healthy I know but something I am working on. 

Now think of your relationship/marriage. Who is the Hunter and who is the farmer? Could two farmers get along better or will the relationship be boring?Could two hunters head down a path of adventure or is that too risky?

It's funny because I can totally look at relationships and name who is the Hunter and who is the Farmer. Take a second and see if you can too!

They use the Hunter and Farmer terms in business too with Sales. 
Below it breaks down the two type of sales people. 

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