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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Step Back & Take It All In

As a parent your kids are a representation of you. Well, most of the time. So we think. 

We put this added pressure on ourselves to make sure they are well behaved and sometimes the stress is overwhelming. My two oldest were going to do the Christmas pageant at Church. Once my youngest saw she picked up a costume and stood in line. "Oh no honey you can't be in it. Come sit with me". Just then the leaders said "of course she can be. She can be whatever she wants"

I held my breath. She's only two. Structure is not something she is aware of. She walked down and held another "Angels" hand and once she stood on at alter she shouted "mommy mommy" and waved to me. She did run back and forth a couple of times and the leaders grabbed her hand and walked her back. 

Step back and take it all in. It's ok for not everything to always be in your control!

And just like that my three beauties were all together and part of the rehersal for the Christmas pageant. 

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