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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Count Down Begins

Some people eat to live, I live to eat. As my daughter says "we are foodies" My last doctors appointment wasn't well. They upped my thyroid meds and she said let's see how much weight you can loose in 6 weeks. Ugh I haven't even started. Well I did stop snacking and it's now late at night and I am dying for something comforting to eat. Like heavy, chocolate, warm whatever. I know what I have to do but just haven't had the motivation. Things have been nutty and stressful so I have delayed my weight loss goal.  I promised myself I will hit the gym tomorrow night and hopefully it will strike up  some motivation. 

My sister joked she can see how much I will love it again and become addicted or turn to cross fit,  honestly I sure hope so. Nothing like doing the walk of shame into my doctors office and say I tried but didn't succeed. So as I plan my morning tomorrow I probably won't be walking into a donut shop for coffee but instead a granola bar or smoothie shop. I know I know it's just as good and life is too short not to be healthy. So to all you battling the same battles as me I feel your pain!

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