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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Street Smarts: Something Learned Not Taught

Growing up in Norwalk and with having two sisters taught me a lot. Taught me to fend for myself but to also show people respect. It also taught me that is all in your approach. One reason I never wanted to leave my town was because I really like the diversity.

Growing up I would walk into the Columbian store and order food. They looked at me like I was crazy. Light skinned, blonde head, "Bianca" coming in asking for empanadas. But that's how it is growing up around here. You have little fear. You're able to adapt to your surroundings. You are exposed to different cultures and it makes you wiser.  I think my parents exposing us to a lot also helped with that too.

A lot of people ask if we will leave Norwalk. Only if my husband's job relocates...which may be a possibility in the near future but reality is we become accustomed to a certain society. We adapt
to it and grow from it. I mentioned it to my daughter's teacher at school. I asked how was she getting along with everyone and if there was any situations I should be aware of. She said no and not to worry "your daughter already can hold her ground and has street smarts". Right there is something that you can't teach but is taught based on your surroundings. Being around people of different backgrounds and cultures makes you not react to situations because you are used to the diversity.

Right there I knew I was succeeding as a parent. You want your kids to be able to stick up for themselves not just be a bully or too rough around the edges  but when situations cause them to.

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