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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Never Ever Get A Mammogram On A Full...

I have been bad my last mammogram was September 2015. I know
I know past a year. So I go today and it's funny because I am super young to get them but have a strong family history of breast cancer and I am BRCA2 positive so have been going for past ten years  you would think I would know better than to go with a full bladder. Even when I walk in I passed a couple of bathrooms  I know why didn't I stop you ask? No clue! 

So I am in there and getting squished like a pancake and have this tight metal shield around my waist- even though I know for a fact I am not pregnant and still they make you wear it and then the tech says hold your have you ever tried to hold your breath while holding in your pee...yeah crazy. So I began to laugh and say "I really should have used the restroom ahead of time. I forgot how tight this all is and holding my breathing isn't help" The tech laughs hysterically. I warned her I had three c sections and am not responsible for anything that may happen. Needless to say I ran out of there and laughed while waiting for ultrasound. Gratefully all scans were clear and now I know better for next time. 

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