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Friday, October 20, 2017

Isn't Your Plate Already too Full? Nope!

I switched schools this year for my daughter, some of it was due to personal reasons some were not  regardless it was the best decision! She's happy, the atmosphere is more fitting for her, her values are peered up to kids with similar values, it's one of the best choices made this year! At her old school I was on the Governance Program,  which is an awesome committee with parents, teachers, the principal and board of ed officials. You discuss issues about the school and how to handle issues, situations, you even have a say in certain situations in participating in hiring new teachers on etc...all depends on what's taking place at the school. I served the board one year and loved it. Why? Because it gave you an "inside" of what's happening in the school, board of ed, issues that affect your child and all the children. Spots were open at the new school and three positions had to be filled. One spot remainded and I finally nominated myself after a push from a mommy friend and had friends nominate me. Well out of eight parents on panel three could get voted in and we all got a chance to vote this week.  

Guess who got elected a spot? Yep, mom of three, entrepreneur, running an awesome business that I love and raising some super awesome, smart kids- yeah I can brag- why not! Is my plate too full- maybe- but not for doing something you have passion for. We all know by now that if my voice can be heard I will rise at that opportunity to have it heard!


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