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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Therapy...

I kindof don't want to get out of bed this morning. Partly due to being tired. Partly feeling a little down. Even though my marriage is over and I have no desire to ever fix it, I can't help but feel a little down. They say divorce is like mourning a death. You have these rollercoaster rides of emotions. One minute you're up next minute you're down. 

Christmas Eve has always been my favorite. I love my family and we eat a crazy amount of delicious food. All my cousins are there and you walk away feeling so much stronger by the amazing energy of those who love you. So I know tonight will help me. But now I fully understand all the times my friends had breakups and all the times they felt down and lonely. I could so now relate and although this all will pass it's also showing me that I can now relate to those I couldn't in the past. It's showing me how to be more sympathetic towards others. To be able to say I get it now and to really deep down focus on your true self and what you really need to make yourself fully happy again.

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