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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Divorce Isn't The End...It's The New Beginning

Beginning and starting over at any stage of life can be a challenge. Going over finances can be draining. Seeing your ex can be extremely draining. Co-parenting is super draining at times. There isn't one easy thing about getting a divorce except for... the excitement of starting over! No I don't mean jump into another relationship. I mean focusing on YOU.

When was the last time you did that? I was so caught up in being a mom and wife that I forgot about ME. I loved this article I found. I love that positive things are ahead. I love the ups and downs because I tend to stop and laugh at myself more. Divorce isn't the end. It's truly, 100% the New Beginning. Take the time and share this article with anyone who could use this right now.

Seven Ways to Thrive After Divorce | Psychology Today

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