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Saturday, December 23, 2017

It's About Making Memories and Creating Traditions

I was so tired but build up some energy to do sugar cookies with my girls. I made the dough with them and baked them and saved decorating for the next day. It was a mess and you wonder will the kids ever remember all this work you do with them? Then your oldest bites into a cookie and says "Awe there's my mommas sugar cookies. How I missed this taste" you can't help but feel a huge sense of accomplishment. I grabbed my daughter and kissed her up. 

Here's the real deal. You  try to keep the kids happy, build memories, while dough falls on the ground and the house is covered in flour. There is some yelling and tears and you say to yourself it's ok they are kids and your back aches and you wonder who even really enjoys these cookies besides yourself. But it's fun and Christmas music is playing in the background and you let your kids dump so many sprinkles on their cookies. So when my daughter came home with her dad the next day to pick up her sisters and bit into it and said that I almost cried. Cried from happiness that even if I am not perfect. Even if things are rough at times. It doesn't matter but I achieved my goal. My goal that I am building traditions and memories with my three kids that I cherish and adore and love me and I love them and it's so worth every mess. Every backache and every sprinkle and frosting covered on the counters. Mommy win for sure!

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