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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Thank You For The Journey: I Now Set You Free

Things don't just happen. It's a part of our journey. The problem we have is we hold on to it thinking there may be more and we also hurt ourselves by holding on to the person, situation, guilt and pain. One thing I learned about "soul searching" is to set things free. 

*picture source Instagram 

By setting things, people, your guilt, your pain, free you have acknowledged the journey is over. That you forgive yourself. You forgive that person. I did it last night before bed. I dug deep and let it all resurface and starting to forgive myself, forgive those who I hurt and hurt me, I then said thank you for the journey, I know set you free. I pictured the people walking away. Now it takes some practice and you have to be truly ready to do the forgiving to feel better and realize you too need to apologize. I had to forgive myself. I had to forgive the people who hurt me and I had to acknowledge I am not perfect and have a part in the role of everything that happens or had happened. It felt amazing. It's going to make you cry, feel pain and then joy. 

After I went to wash my face for bed and poured my cleanser in my hand and literary said oh my god out loud. I have this thing with hearts appearing and lately it happens a lot. I laughed and smiled and thanked the universe. 

You should try this. Try setting all that hurt in you free. It may take a couple of times. But after you do you feel amazing. Our journey is written out for us but we also have the will to make it as great or as bad as we like. 

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