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Thursday, January 4, 2018

Snowed In...Blizzard 2018

*Picture Source: Facebook

I hope you all embraced the storm. I will tell you it wasn't fun and makes me wonder why we live where we live but since I don't handle being hot well I have no choice but to embrace winter as one of our seasons. 

Last night I decided to do something for me. The kids where at their dad's.  I decided I wasn't going to work. I instead picked up Chinese food and donuts at Dunkin Donuts and pigged out watching TV. When my girls came home at noon today I was ready to be an adult again. I made them soup and we baked and ended our night cuddling on the couch. It's about balance. 

Snow is pretty but a hassle. Shoveling is great exercise but painful I am totally feeling it already. Being snowed in with my kids is work but makes my heart happy. 

I hope YOU too take some time to enjoy quiet nights alone and yet also enjoy the time with your kids or families. 

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