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Friday, January 26, 2018

Oh What A Week...Cold, Virus, Whatever You Are Go Away

What a week it’s been. Started off with coughs lead to
 kids taking turns being home sick from
School, trip to doctors office, eye drops for my middle one and me. They finally are better and now I have time heal while they are at their dads. I went to bed at 8:00 last night just to try to catch up on sleep that I lost all week.  My abdominal muscles are so sore from coughing so much. I can’t taste much so haven’t really been eating too well. It’s not easy being sick and taking care of the kids. It’s also not easy being sick and wishing there was someone there to make you soup or tea or get you that extra blanket. BUT this all makes you stronger and independent and really feel you can tackle anything when you get through doing it alone. 

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