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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Grateful For My Dad...Be A Good Father & Partner

Even as a grown adult every time I say goodbye to him
he says remember call me if you need anything at all. He’s always had my back and grateful for the love and support he’s given to me throughout my whole life and through this divorce. Every parent just wants their children to be happy, live a stressless life. Can’t always happen but makes it easier knowing someone is a call away if you ever need them. He’s always worked super hard for his family and never once complained or threw it in our face. We joke he’s the one who always drove the crappy cars while he gave my mom
the high end vehicles and always made sure us girls had good cars.  I stopped by yesterday to their house and he was leaving, said he just stopped to fill my mom’s car with gas so she didn’t have to do it in the storm. That’s love. My mom is fully capable of taking care of herself but it does feel amazing to have someone do something nice for you out of love and without asking. 

Goals! To find one day, long time from
 now, a partnership like my parents have. Someone who has my back, willing to do stuff for one another without throwing it in each other’s face. Be a team.  Do for you because that’s love. A team is making sure each member loves and respects one another and wants to see that other person happy. Make their life a little easier. Crazy how this concept still doesn’t catch on for people and relationships. 

A good father is one doing for their kids without complaining or giving up! It’s putting kids first over your own happiness. Sometimes people forget! Grateful for mine!

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