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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Today’s Lesson: Get Over “It”

I have to keep reminding myself to just focus on being happy. To fight for your happiness. You have to learn to let go and get over the life you “thought” you would have, the stuff that is holding you back isn’t going to bring you the happiness you want and deserve. Man I keep thinking over and over stuff and all it does is cause harm, it makes you feel defeated and upset and it’s never a good place to be. Anger comes out and yes this process is still new and fresh but it’s not who I want to be. I want to be happy. I am fighting for that everyday. You too fight the fight. This thought that we have to settle doesn’t bring us the happiness we deserve. No settling, get over “it”, it being whatever is taking up space in your life and push forward. Push for your happiness!

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