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Friday, June 8, 2018

Are You Ok? Are You Happy? Happy Birthday To My Pop

Every time I see my Dad he asks me two questions. Are you ok? Are you happy? Those two questions really sum it up. When I reply yes he nods his head and smiles. My Dad came to this country at 16 years old and didn’t even know the language. He raised three kids, started a successful business, put us through college, paid for our weddings, took care of anything we need along the way and NEVER complained. Never. He never threw anything in our face. He wakes up everyday. Makes my mom coffee. Heads to Work and smiles. 

He’s always made our life easier. For me. For my sisters. For my girls. For my mom. He’s the one man I know who I will love and will love me forever. 

May life always be good to you since you’re always so good to us! Cheers Pop! May you live to be 100. 

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