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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Take Me Away...

It’s funny how normally you need a vacation to recover from a vacation.  Not this time! This getaway was so relaxing that my body is still in relaxing mode!

The girls Dad booked a trip for them to Disney. I was going to stay home and take some time for myself but after discussing with my sister we decided to take the time and go someplace too. It turned out that our college roommate of 20 years now living in Floria would join and my sisters friend in New Jersey. It was the perfect combo. Chill. Relaxing. No agenda. Just enjoy yourself. That is exactly what we did. 

It was the first time I was away from my girls for longer than two nights. I missed them a lot but spoke to them a lot and knew they were having fun. When was the last time you got away. No agenda. No set plans. Just relax, eat, shop, drink, beach, repeat?

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