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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Live Your Life

I love music. I listen to music while working out. I listen to music while I work. It’s very therapeutic for me. Relaxes me. Helps me connect within and also makes me happy. My parents got us tickets to see Disturbed this past weekend. Three Days Grace was their opening band. The concert was phenomenal. Their voices were even better in person. The crowd was full of amazing energy. 

Later in the night we stopped at a local club where we became friends with some of the workers. Ghostface Killah was a guest there. He gets up and raps some songs we knew growing up. It was the perfect ending to our night. 

The problem with nights like this is I catch a bit of the Monday blues. Getting back into routine mode and the hustle and bustle of life. With that being said it’s always good to look back and say to yourself  I am going to “Live My Life” today, tomorrow, 5 years from now. I am going to enjoy the small things. Not sweat the small stuff. Love people for who they are, not what I want them to be and appreciate yourself too.

Cheers to living your life and let’s try to make it through the Monday Blues! 

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