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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

What’s Your Love Language?

A friend sent me this link. Men and women both have needs and should be in tune with what will make them happy. Relationships should be a give and take. 50-50 balance. When it’s not balanced you either step it up or back out. You can’t be a taker or giver without balance. 

I must admit my results were on point. I asked a couple of friends to take it and their results were also on point.  What matters to you in a relationship? What shows people they care and love you? What makes you happy?

Take the quiz and see what works for you:

My scores are below:

My top happiness in a relationship is being able to spend quality time with someone. Doesn’t have to be doing anything expensive. Just spending good time together. Either hanging on a beach or a nice dinner or food truck festival. Walks, grabbing coffee or tacos.  Simple easy quality time. The second is someone doing something nice to help me out or release stress without me asking. To offer to help if they see me overwhelmed. 

Did your test results show your true self? 

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