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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Live Your Best Life

Are you living your best life? If not, I hope you do! 

I have been looking up some activities to join like local Meet Up Groups and adult camps just to get out and meet people and try different activities. Then ironically I had a friend from high school I used to be really close with reach out to me. He was looking for people to join his Co-Ed summer team. Sign me up I said. We began to talk about life and how things have been. He and I are friends on social media so he asks “What else have you been up to besides living your best life? It’s great to see all you’re doing and you’re happy.” 

I laughed and then I thought about it. I only post about family or my kids on my social media platforms. Nothing about dating or my personal single life. I keep people out of that part of my life. His comment stayed with me. He was right. I really am living my best life. 
And I know social media makes everything look like rainbows and sunshine. It’s really a fake upfront cover up but luckily behind the scenes I do have a great life and should be nothing but happy and grateful for it. 

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