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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Nissley Naughty Marietta...Pennsylvania Bound

About 6 months ago my girlfriend brought this over to a friend’s house we were having dinner at. I have thought about it ever since. It is a semi-dry red wine. On the sweeter side and very smooth. 

I have called around for this bottle of wine. But I didn’t have luck finding a store in CT that carried it. When I called the vineyard they said they only distribute to local package stores in Pennsylvania. Last night it hit me. I am in Pennsylvania for the weekend with my little ones. I had to get this wine. I found a local liquor store and walked in and bought all the bottles they had. 6 bottles and when I went up to the register the cashier said the vineyard only allowed a limited amount of stores to carry their wine. 

I sent my girlfriend this picture and she laughed. She knew how much I enjoyed the bottle she had me try. “I finally got my hands on a bottle”. 

I didn’t have time to go to their vineyard for a tasting but I was glad to be bringing some bottles home. 
If you are ever in Pennsylvania be sure to stop by their vineyard or pickup a bottle by Nissley Vineyard. 

Cheers to the little things in life! Salute!

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