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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Why Are You Really Upset? What Triggered You?

It happens a lot. A lot of people experience anger or frustration because at the moment something triggered something in them. Maybe something from the past or pain they feel or felt. Something that made us feel helpless or weak. So we lash out or become defensive. We may argue or take out our frustrations out on someone. We may grow silent. Numb. Ignore the reality that our current mindset isn’t upset with the present but something that reopened a wound from the past. 

It’s normal but not always ok. It’s ok if you realize I was triggered. It’s not ok when you can’t find the connection and correct it. 

It happened to me.  A song triggered pain.  A song. Then a conversation.  I got upset and then had to refocus. Obviously I haven’t heal for a simple song or a conversation with an old friend to cause such a reaction in me. But acknowledging it is progress and growth. 

I can go on about what I felt but reality when you feel pain you give emotion or situation that gave you pain control. Don’t allow that. Don’t allow anyone to have control over you or your emotions. Don’t show a side of yourself that you don’t even know or like. 

Be responsible for yourself and your own healing. 

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