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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Connect Within

This is really important. I have mentioned in past when chaos is around you there is a lot of distractions. When your mind is still you can really tune into what you want. How to fix or get out of situations that do not serve you well. It also helps you be intuitive. I have a couple people in my life I can pick up on their vibe when we are not together and there’s people who can pick up on mine. It’s pretty insane and on point. 

When your mind is relaxed it can hurt to dig up what’s bothering you. It’s ok. Feel it. But then fix it. 

I can tell you now people I am in tune with have termoil within. Avoiding the outcome they should make. Are internalizing their feelings to protect themselves. Fix it before you snap. Fix it for you. Peace and happiness always follow. I promise. 

I saw a girlfriend the other day. She looked amazing. Her core was at peace. It’s my hair she said. No it’s not I said. You are glowing. You’re at peace within and it shows so everything about you looks amazing. 

Stop looking for a distraction. Silent your mind for the answers. Listen to what your intuition is telling you. Even if they aren’t the answers you want to hear you must accept them and apply them. 

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