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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Men Are NOT Like Women...They Say What They Really Want

“When a guy tells us what he wants we must believe him and respect it”

A friend said this to me while I was getting ready for my night and I swear it hit home. Almost like I already knew this but didn’t want to nor did I like it. 

Women aren’t that way. We act on emotion. Then process. Try to correct it. Miss people we want back in our life. Men miss them too but they are more set in their decisions. They move forward. Women linger. We have that “what if” or “if it’s meant to be”. We hold on to hope. “Hope” sounds a bit pathetic. 

Men don’t do that. So stop trying to convince a man to change how he feels because it won’t happen. Men will process what you say but they need to do what they need to do and well we have to give them space and respect that. They also will treat you in the  way that reflects how they feel about you or what they want. Process that again! 

Take my advice. When a men says something listen. It may not be what you want to hear but you can’t change how he feels so you have to just respect it. His actions towards you is a clear message too. It’s usually supported by what he wants. Sucks I know!

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