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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Need to Relax...Go By The Water

I was just out with friends the other day and telling them how I go to the beach a couple times a week in the morning before starting my day. One of them said they haven’t had much time to go except for when playing sports. I said you gotta go and do it.  The other friend said how true it is and relaxing for our body. There’s something so calming to be by the water, I couldn’t explain it and then I saw this article. 

Being near a body of water makes us calmer and healthier, science shows

Summer is here. It’s that time of year to be good to your mind, body and soul. Get up and go. Even if it’s just for a walk near a lake or beach or having breakfast near a pool. Go out and do something out of your normal routine that brings peace to you. 

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