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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

This Has Nothing To Do With You...

This is a reminder so you can have peace within that most of conflict that was reflected on to you had nothing to do with you. 

Crazy right? Well it’s true. Now we are not perfect. I will be the first to admit it. Even though I like to believe I am almost perfect...just kidding. 

This took me a very long time to understand. I tend to want to fix people. You know “let’s just be happy and live this magical life” well it wasn’t happening and I couldn’t understand why. I couldn’t understand if I loved you and was good to you that should be enough and make you so happy. 


Because even though I am happy with myself we all have internal demons. We all have issues that we need to resolve. I can’t do that for someone. I can’t heal you if you don’t want to be healed or don’t even recognize you need healing. 

I have a friend who I swear I can predict the outcome of their life and no matter what I say they don’t have enough courage in them to make a change to get their happiness. I don’t get it. But I can’t change it for them. It just makes you feel bad because deep down they want to escape but aren’t strong enough to. 

I know people who still suffer from pain from
their childhood and up bringing. They haven’t healed. I know people who have been rejected by their significant other and now it’s hard to trust and let people in. 

We all need healing. Me included. It’s an everyday struggle and goal but reality is majority of people’s fights and outbursts and arguments have nothing to do with you. It’s their own internal fight projected on to you.  

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