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Sunday, August 4, 2019

Let’s Start Over...

Kids can really test you. They test your patience. They test what you will tolerate. I have learned that they aren’t intune with their emotions like adults. Even though adults still have a lot of learning to do. 

I try not to yell. I try to remain calm and even put myself in their shoes. 

I started to change my approach. When they are rude and not polite or aggressive I say stop. I ask them to walk out of the room and walk back in. Let’s start over. 

I swear they change. That quick 10 seconds of calmness has them rethink and re approach the situation differently. 

Adults we should do this too. Instead of fighting  Say let’s start over. Walk out of the room and walk back in. 

Some examples are when they come over and say mom get me water. I say please re approach me. They then say mom can I please have a water. Sure babe no problem. 

We need to be intune with our demands, our discussions how we feel what makes us mad what we need and aren’t getting. The list goes on. Instead of barking orders or demands or being aggressive start over. Walk out of the room and start over. 

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