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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Live Your Life...Please Remember To

Don’t compete. Be playful. Take risks. Love everyone. Be happy. Don’t ever feel insecure. Take chances. Love yourself. Be grateful for those who love you. Be helpful. Volunteer. Give hugs. Believe in miracles. Skip drama. Say I am sorry when you’re wrong. Cuddle. Watch brainless shows to relax your mind. Read. Enjoy every meal you eat. Work out. Put your head up whenever you are down. Never lie. Don’t cheat. Don’t hurt others. Don’t take advantage of people. Believe in Karma. Believe in good. Dance whenever you can. Sing with the music blasting. Enjoy art. Appreciate nature. Be happy. Let go of anything that doesn’t bring out the best in you. Be grateful for your family and friends. Spread peace. Don’t be jealous. Don’t take advantage of nice people. Dance. Love. Always tell the truth. Spare other people of pain. Stay home and rest. Sleep. Nap. Enjoy peacefulness. Appreciate the sun and moon and stars. Don’t have regrets. Live. Live everyday. Live every moment. Appreciate your life and those around you. Let go of things that don’t bring out the best in you. Appreciate your job. Work hard. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Be a resource to people. Don’t let people
take advantage of you. Live your life for you. Love and date and enjoy people. Know that we all
will pass one day. Live life like it’s your last day. Appreciate life. Find beauty in everything. Forgive. Heal yourself. Heal others. Love this journey. Appreciate yourself. Be good to your mind, body and soul. Leave when someone no longer values you. Know your worth. People will treat you only how you allow them to treat you. Love yourself enough to not be taken advantage of. Domestic violence, physical or verbal is never ever ever ok. Jealously doesn’t mean love.  You don’t have the right to hurt anyone at anytime. Be honest always. Respect your body and mind. Take a walk. Feel the sand in your toes. Give back to society and nature. Love with all you heart. Embrace change. Ask for forgiveness when you’re wrong. Pray. Believe in a higher being. Forgive yourself for when you put up with stuff you shouldn’t have. Love where you are in life. 

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