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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Maybe We Don’t Always Want To Be Strong

I was talking to someone close to me who is having a series of not the best luck with her health. Another testing another result. Another plan to what to do next. 

She’s in good spirits and said “We are some tough ass cookies 💪🏼 no sissy’s here. Haha” and I responded it sucks we always have to be. 

Sometimes we don’t want to be. Sometimes we want to have someone comfort us and take care of us and say it’s not fair or ok, I am here for you, or for life to just be easy and normal. 

Yes, be grafteful for the love and support but sometimes it takes more energy to always be strong and positive then to say you know what this time I am not ok. This time I want to just live a carefree life and not worry about tomorrow anymore.

 I admire her strengthen but also feel that sometimes just sometimes living in a fantasy life helps verse the reality. Sometimes being strong always takes away a chance for someone to comfort us. Maybe showing our soft side doesn’t make us weak. Makes us human. 

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