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Monday, August 12, 2019

Step Away From The Phone

She made a good point. “What else am I suppose to be doing”

Um I went out and got her stuff. Stuff we can do together or she can do alone. Stuff that would work different parts of her brain instead of being on her phone. 

I must say it was a brilliant idea on my end! High five to me! Lol 

At first she said I could keep the sudoku. Oh no we are doing this together. She was intimidated. She said she couldn’t figure it out until we did them together and then she was figuring them out on her own. I love sudoku. 

Next were Mad Libs. We both had some great belly laughs this time. She was so happy I bought her these. She did them in her class for 5th grade. I want to go out this week and buy her more. 

I wanted her to use her creativity and brain in a different way. I also wanted to stop seeing her on her phone. It’s hard being a single mom to three because I wish I could split myself up into three. As I am hanging with my oldest my other two are calling me
to hang with them so I am bouncing around room
to room. Which I love but still hard on them to not have my constant individual attention. Then again which kid can?

The sudoku and mad libs were a hit. We bonded and laughed and she went to bed saying she can’t wait to do more tomorrow. We tapped into her inner child mode and mine too. I must say I loved it. She brightened up. She became more alive. 

Will this last? Who knows. If not I will have to attempt something else for her to do as a distraction. All I know is I am trying to have her walk away from
her phone and enjoy a different type of pastime. 

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