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Friday, August 23, 2019

Turn It Around...

I woke up with good intentions and then things started to happen. 

A handy man fairy was on his way to my house. I couldn’t believe how excited I got. Then one blind size was incorrect I went to the store and it kept ringing up for 1 cent. Someone very close to me messaged her biopsy was negative for cancer. Such a relief. I stopped by two places to get paper work and everyone was so friendly and I was in and out within minutes. 

What’s happening here I thought. Laughing and smiling. Thank you universe. Thank you for this amazing day. 

These days aren’t magic. This is how life is suppose to be lived. Smile. See good in everyday. Thank the universe for when things come together. Be grateful for when things can turn around. 

You got this. I got this. 

Be in your happy place. I just can’t stop smiling!

Happy Friday Readers...sending you Happy Friday Vibes Too xo

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