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Saturday, August 3, 2019

You Need Healing...Don’t We All

I previous wrote about the healing stones I purchased when I was away. So the other day I had my mom hold each one to see where she felt the most energy. Was crazy that she felt some stones get warm. 

I again did it and amethyst gave off the most energy to me. I need...Healing. Calm thoughts. More peace. 

Sounds about right. I really have come a long way with processing with triggers. I won’t lie I still try not to react. Thinking ok that sucks but why does it bother me. Why do I allow it to be a part of me. Why do I allow it to affect me. 

It’s really about within. Self love. Are you worthy of love? Also past experiences. Is any love ok love? Is not being alone better even though these people aren’t emotionally available so you’re really alone anyway. 

It’s a cycle. Healing...I think we all need it. We all need some good healthy healing.

Here’s the next step...we have to only allow people in our life who will contribute to our healing not cause more pain. See what I did there?!

That’s a huge misguided truth. We need to make sure new people or people around us don’t cause pain because then we will healing from one thing while creating more pain from another that requires more healing. 

Can’t this whole process be less complicated. Can’t people come in with open arms to love and have fun and be good for you and to you and you do the same? 

If only it were that simple! I wouldn’t have to write so much. 

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