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Monday, September 2, 2019

Fix Yourself...

It’s not anyone’s responsibility but your own. You know to fix yourself. Work out any insecurities you have. Asking for support from someone who is your companion or spouse is ok...but there’s boundaries and rules. 

Now there’s a difference. When you suck a person’s energy from them while you fix yourself it’s selfish. You need to acknowledge they can’t fix you. You need to do it on your own but they can love you along the way as long as you do your part. When fixing yourself you can’t be abusive, you can’t turn someone’s world upside down because your world isn’t how you want it to be. You must acknowledge and process before reacting. You must also set boundaries. What is acceptable what isn’t. We are human. We slip up. But own it. Also I also now say to anyone if I need to vent “is this a good time to talk”. Asking if they have mental space right now is also really good too. It’s asking for permission before dumping on to someone. 

A lot of people point blame. Trust me I have witnessed it too much. Blaming someone for your anger or debt or insecurities or pain...etc. First step is to own it. Own your life. 

I was married young. So young. I never was alone. Until now. And now I own it. I own my path. My life. My decisions. No blaming. Owning. It’s all me. I own my life. I own what I do with my life. 

People get caught up on pointing a finger. This is not ok. You have to own your role in your life. And take responsibility for everything. Every action. 

If someone loves you enough to stay by you while you fix yourself you must acknowledge the sacrifice someone is making and thank them. Yes. Thank them for helping you fix yourself. For loving you during the process.  

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