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Monday, September 9, 2019

Let Go Of Your Insecurities

We all have insecurities. It’s normal. Even the prettiest  or in best shape girl questions herself I said to a girlfriend. I had to call her and break it down. I had to tell her that a friend of mine I have been friends with since last summer I still get self conscious around. It’s normal. I bet he does too around me. It’s human. We all second guess stuff. We all wonder what the other person thinks and how they view us. 

I remember the last guy I dated for like 5 months everyday we went home I wasn’t sure when I would see him again. Isn’t that crazy? Crazy to think of what if he doesn’t like me tomorrow. What if he doesn’t call. What if he realizes he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. And then he didn’t want to be with me anymore and guess what life goes on.  So dumb I know to worry about things when things will just happen without our control anyway but it’s something that we all do. We are our own worse enemies. 

Trust me they will call again. You will see them again. They think you’re beautiful and perfect or else they wouldn’t enjoy your company. Let the insecurities go. Trust me I have to work on it too. We are perfect the way we are. Embrace it. And if you’re not happy then make minor changes in you but for yourself. No one else. And if they don’t call again or want to see you again than it’s their lose. You’re amazing and perfect just the way you are. If they can’t see it then let them walk away. 

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