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Friday, September 20, 2019

Life Oh My Oh My

Life...the mysterious journey. The unknown. The what will happen next who knows. When you have all this in your head as to how things should be verse how they are you have to let it go. You have to realize this moment is your life. Regardless of the sadness or pain or fears or doubts. This exact moment is your life. 

I had dinner with a friend. I could spend the rest of my life with this one person. I don’t know why. It’s just easy and fun and natural. But things didn’t align for us and to be honest there has to be a reason. So I let go of the hurt and pain and sadness and said I am just going to enjoy our dinner together and I did. No agenda. I did want to cry in the car after because the feeling of knowing we aren’t more than friends is hard but then I realize that this is my life. At this moment my life is aligning the way it has to be and I accept it. I embrace it. I look at the good in it. 

How lucky to have loved even if it was a short. How lucky to have met someone who makes me feel like time is endless when I am with them. How amazing to have lived the life I lived. 

Having this mindset helps take away any pain or doubt or failure. 

Some people go their whole life not experiencing love. I have. I am grateful for it. And know one day I will find someone to feel that with again. 

Some people spend their whole life fearing change and not being happy not doing things they want to do. How lucky am I to embrace change and the unknown. 

This person I would love to be in my life forever, it’s like we are the same person I can’t explain. It’s just easy talk and comfortable and like being with a best friend who is good looking and enjoys your company  but I can’t control how things are between us. I can just embrace life as it is. Understand that there is a higher being who has intentions for me. Just flow with it and accept your life. 

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