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Saturday, September 14, 2019

One Day It All Makes Sense

It all manifests to great things. To the people you meet along the way. To the memories you make and
create. My life changed fast this year. I am not the same I was 5-6 months ago. The friendships I made. The memories I created. It’s amazing what happens to your life when you don’t get what you thought you wanted or needed. You actually get a lot more. You get clarity. You get calmness. You get acceptance. You get happiness is forms you didn’t realize you would get it in. You slowly accept that what you thought you needed wasn’t what you needed, that what you have now is exactly what you need.  

Don’t deny the journey. Don’t deny the experience. Heartache may come with it but the gain is worth the loss and pain. The person or people you wanted in your life actually did you a service by not staying.  It taught you they weren’t your person or people. If they really were they would have never left. Instead the people who are your people bring you so much more than what you ever doubted. Be grateful for those people. Thank those who hurt you because if they didn’t you wouldn’t be where you are at today. 

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