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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bad Halloween Weather Solutions

Let’s move Halloween. I was talking to a friend. He laughed. I was serious. We should move it to the weekend. It honestly should always be on the weekend. He was saying in the Midwest they always have kids trick or treat on the weekend no matter when the real Halloween date falls on.  

I love that idea. Parents don’t have to rush home and get the kids ready after school. You don’t have to worry about kids staying up late and having school the next day. 

But we aren’t at that stage yet in CT. So instead some easy solutions are:

  1. Check out your local Mall. Malls in the area do hand out candy and treats
  2. Check out your retirement community centers. The elderly would love to see the kids dressed up and kids can enjoy getting candy and spending time with them. 
  3. Get togethers. Do a neighborhood get together. My sister is doing it with some families on her block. It’s a smart way to have kids dress up and have fun without worrying about going out in the rain or bad weather. 

Whatever you end up doing be safe and have fun! 

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