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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Have A Great Day... That’s All It Takes

I rolled out of bed and went for routine bloodwork. It’s super early. Like too early. So I show up and there’s a couple people there. We are all of course on our phones. 

A woman walks out of the lab area and towards the exit. As she’s leaving one lady in waiting room says have a great day. The lady is a bit shocked and says thank you, same to you. 

I was a bit shocked too. So then when the lady who said that was leaving I said to her have a great day and she smiled and said same to me. 

I wanted to reciprocate it back to her. 

When I was in Atlanta everyone was so nice. We would walk down the street and everyone would say good morning or have a great day to us. 

We aren’t that friendly in the upper East Coast. We are so busy and occupied with our own lives and cell phones that when someone is polite to us we are set back and shocked. 

I want you to do this today. I want you to say to a random stranger have a great day. You will see you want to do it over and over because it feels good. 

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