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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

This Week Can End Already...

When you have multiple kids you run the risk of germs spreading. I swear my last three days have been filled with medicine. Tea. Pasta soup. Tylenol. Doctor visits. 

At one point I lost my mind today. Yep. It happens. Not on the kids. Of course not. Not their fault but just in general. Like WTF!

Work is swamped. Kids are whining. Every time I brought one to school I had to come back for them. Yep. That type of week. 

So I had a meeting at school tonight and on the way back I said F-it. Just go home and cuddle and hang and screw all the other stuff. Work is work. Life is life. 

So I did. I came home and got the medicine and ice pops and cuddle. Tea. Cleaned for the 100th time and crashed on the couch. 

These moments don’t last. The moments of torture never last. And I am not overreacting. If you’re a real person you get it. When your routine is off and you haven’t slept well in two days up checking on the kids and running water on wash cloths to bring their temperatures down. At one point I took them to store for more medicines and said buy whatever you want. They loaded up on junk food. We ran into a friend at the checkout line and he was laughing at our carriage of comfort food. 

So the moments in your life that suck don’t last. At the moment it’s awful. But then something happens and you laugh and it’s ok and before you know it you’re back in your routine. 

I was done. Depleted. 

Then my little one said I made you dinner. 

My middle one cuddled with me. My oldest said I love you mom. 

And it all hit me. My role in life is for them. Even through the chaos. It’s for them. 

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