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Thursday, October 17, 2019

What Gets You Through Your Days?


So I have a friend who has kept me company via text this week. Ironically he’s away too, so it is nice to have someone to talk to who is out of their routine at the same time as you. 

I am getting ready for a really big work dinner that I coordinated. At an awesome steakhouse. I take a picture of my outfit and send to him and he responds you look like a zebra Snuggie and sends me the picture. 

I have to tell you all night it made me laugh. I didn’t change. I loved the fact I looked a bit silly. I loved the fact he was so quick to make me laugh even if it was at the expense of my outfit. 

Others may be self conscious, nope, not me.  Of course he said he was joking and I looked great but it really make me laugh all night and I loved it. Of course next time I see him I plan on wearing this and maybe will send him a Snuggie just to amuse him. 

Laughter is what gets us through the day. Laughter heals us. Laughter takes away stress and anxiety. Try it. Try laughing. It does wonders. 

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