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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Cheers to Turning 11

You are my make me happy when skies are grey. 

She made me a mom. 11 years ago. I wasn’t feeling so good after Thanksgiving dinner and took a nap. I woke up and my water broke. After an emergency csection she was brought to the NICU. I couldn’t be with her the first 24 hrs of her life. I had preeclampsia.  I remember when I did hold her for the first time I was amazed to meet this little girl I spoke to for 9 months in my stomach. It was in the delivery room
her eyes were so big and I said nice to meet you. Sounds silly but all I could think about was how much she looked like my mother in law. 

When I could finally be with her in my room I wanted to look at every part of her. Exam this amazing little baby who grew in my tummy. She became my best friend. I took her everywhere. We did everything together. She was fun and happy and loved trying different food and polite and kind and she’s all those things still. When I look at her I see this four year old little spunky kid. She’s never her age in my mind. She’s my little girl. 

It doesn’t have to change. She can always be my four year old. She’s beyond smart. Loving. Reliable. Kind. Her laugh is contagious. She still hugs and kisses me at school drop off. She still wants me to lay with her when it’s time for bed. 

Her silliness and sense of humor reminds me of me. I always say she has the best of me and her dad. She makes me proud in everything she does. 

She’s always been my sunshine and always will be. 

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