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Friday, November 22, 2019

How Are You?

There aren’t problems. Just solutions. 

I grew up with that imbedded into my mind. Doesn’t always feel that easy or simple. My mom repeated that phrase over and over. 

So today a friend messaged me asking “How are you?”
I stopped myself before answering. 

Should I be honest and say well this morning was a mini battle. Yesterday a friend triggered a past emotion last night I noticed someone lied to me about something. But instead I said I was ok because reality was all that other stuff can’t matter anymore. 

See my kids are happy. Work is super busy. I had my daughter’s play to attend and life is this way. Up. Down. Good. Bad. Ok. Annoying. 

A girlfriend messaged me and when I vented she said whatever happened to taking a break from that all. She was right. I need a break. I break from past mistakes that keep coming back. To focus on the solutions only. Solutions are look at the good, focus on that, let the rest go. Slip away. Fade in a distance. 

No problems. Just solutions. Try it. I promise I will too. 

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