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Friday, December 6, 2019

Healing Is Your Responsibility

I am not saying it’s right. I am saying in life you won’t always get the apology you’re looking for. You have to still heal. You hold on to these issues, fear, pain and project it on to other people who have nothing to do with the pain. 

Healing starts by accepting what happened. Come to terms with it. You have to know things happen in life. Out of our control. No one can tell you to get over it. Take your time but do unbury those emotions. Bring them to surface. Face them. They will hurt. Let it. 

Meditate. When you meditate picture the situation. Even yell at the person who hurt you and then say I forgive you or I have accepted what you’ve done to me or I am ready to no longer hold on to it and I release that pain. I release you. I release what you did. I release the pain. I set you and it all free. 

We all have baggage. A past. Situations that no one should have to experience but we owe it to ourselves to heal. To face it. Embrace it, release it and set it free. 

I pray you heal too and know that you do deserve much more than the pain that was given to you. 

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