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Saturday, December 7, 2019

It’s That Time Of Year...Oh Jax

It’s our third year we got together around the holidays since she moved. We end up eating too much. Laughing too much. Even shed some tears. She always visits this time of year and we make a point to get together. Usually order in and my sister hosts. We have some apps and just hang out and talk for hours. Normally it’s me on the couch by the end of the night taking a power nap before I leave. 

We have been friends since 1998. Those are the best friendships. You watch eachother grow. Help eachother through pain. Prime years for partying and becoming an adult. College roommates. We travel together every summer. It’s to add to our memory bank. To add to our stories and belly laughs. 

Lasting friendships. Where you know when they call you would drop what you’re doing for them. Those are the best friendships. Where it doesn’t matter how time passes. You just know they are in your heart and life for a reason. It’s now family status. No longer friends. Family. Where you know they will be in your life forever and you’re grateful for that. 

What a great life when you have so many amazing people in it. Who helped shaped you. Added to your journey. Are a part of your heart. Cherish those friendships and people. 

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