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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Best Part About Blogging

I was triggered. 

I needed to reflect. I asked myself how did I feel
A year ago. I love blogging because you can go back and see how you felt.  I reread everything. Old texts and old messages, I had to understand my triggers. The best part about blogging is it’s like a journal. You post things that relate to your emotions at the time or you see something that makes you want to reflect on it. 

I went back on my posts. Even a year prior to last year. I started to read my posts. The strengthen. The feelings. Everything. I started to realize that this current state isn’t my hardest point in life. I have had some real tough moments. This current state I changed a lot. I am not who I was a year ago or two. 

My posts remind me of what I have been through. How I felt at that time. How I coped. What helped. What didn’t. The good too because there’s always a ton of good. 

The memories and adventures and I then wasn’t mad or sad anymore. I was happy. 

I just want a simple, happy, life. You can’t get that being around something that triggers you. I fight so hard to be carefree and calm that I and you should never give anyone or any situation power to make you feel a different way. Let go of Anger and Pain. Embrace the journey of life. Don’t repeat mistakes. 

A situation brought out anger. Jealously. Awful. 
No one should make you feel that way. No situation. But this one did. One and off for a year. Imagine. Silly. We live in a society where our focus should be love and happiness. Calm. Peace. Serenity. Not jealously or anger. 

I hope you find ways to express yourself. I hope you too find ways to cope and even go back and see how much you too have changed. I hope you let go of situations that don’t bring out the best in you. Only attract growth and happiness. Only attract people who can love you and you love them back. 

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