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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

When Your Needs Are Being Met You Change

With every behavior a need is not being met. Think about it. When we react a certain way it’s because our needs aren’t being met. Our expectations aren’t being met. I swear it’s a trigger in us. 

If our needs are met then we wouldn’t react. We would be happy and calm and content. When needs in us are not met we seek it elsewhere or live an unhappy life or settle thinking all good things come to an end or we can’t be 100% happy. If your needs were being met you wouldn’t behave the way you do. 

If your needs were met verse people focusing on your behavior things would change. People would be more compassionate and giving. People would be more willing to make you happy or fulfill what was missing. 

We react because we are hurt or feel rejected or have a void. 

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