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Monday, January 20, 2020

Change is Uncomfortable...Deal With It

I remember when I first had my cancer treatment I would perform reiki on my family while they slept. I felt I was reborn again. Weird I know. 

Life then didn’t turn out how I wanted. I had to make some big changes fast. My youngest was 2 at this point. I still can’t believe it. I had three little ones. 

I wasn’t happy. Things were spiraling out of control and I got this big powerful urge to stand my ground. 

I took control over my life again. Everything had to change inorder for the to happen.

Was it hard as hell. Um yep.

Could I perform reiki. Nope. Mind has to be calm and you have to be at peace inorder to heal yourself and others. I am not a healer. I help people see potential in themselves. Transform their lives. 

I make it clear that you’re going to have to get super uncomfortable to have change in your life. You have to start with owning your own flaws. Your own part. 
Then the fun part. Changing. We hate changing because it’s not routine or comfortable.  

Deal with it. It’s worth your growth. Trust me!

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