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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Do You Have Space For This In Your Life?

We all make decisions everyday as to who and what is in our life. You also need to determine what you have space for. Let’s be serious when it comes to this. 

As parents our schedule is full with our kids activities. When we are not with them we are working or doing house chores. We then make space for us- me time. Which is the gym or getting our nails done which I must say I didn’t do for years. But after the divorce I do make time for and the gym I make 4-5 x a week a priority.  

So what’s left after sleep and eat? Who do you fill that time with? What do you do with that time?

This is important because who we choose to fill our time with should be good for our wellbeing. Feel good people. Inspiring and motivation. Laughs. Happiness. 

You have to understand anything that doesn’t add to your life or make your life better you do not have space for. You do not make space for it. 

Think about it. Process this. 

Drama. Fighting. Anger. Doubt. Insecurities. All that stuff you have no space for. 

Make time for those people and situations that you walk away feeling good about sharing your space and time with. 

Those who you don’t then don’t waste your time. 

It’s important. It’s important who you make a priority. It’s important who you choose to speak to. Text. Hang with. See. Allow in your space. 

I wasn’t being careful with mine. I gave my space to situations that didn’t give me back in return. I don’t have space for doubt or pain or second guessing or hoping for change or thinking things will go my way. 

You don’t do this. You have to focus on being cautious of your time and space. Be sure those who you’re giving it to is giving it back to you. 

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