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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Domestic Violence is Never Ok One Artist’s Movement

I saw this article and it stayed with me. Domestic violence is never ever ok. I don’t care if it’s verbal or abusive. In one country an artist mounted 440 pairs of shoes to represent the number of women killed in one
year by their husbands. The thought makes my stomach turn. To know the person you chose to spend the rest of your life with turns around and does this to you. 

As a mom of girls it’s our job to be role models. To show our girls what’s acceptable and not acceptable behavior from a companion and spouse. Never will I degrade myself again to have them think love looks a certain way. Love isn’t anger or jealously or being aggressive. Love is a partnership. Communication. Love. It’s 50-50 work. It’s being eachother best friend and better half. 

I have even seen it with women being aggressive to men too. It’s never ok. Under no circumstances should anyone have aggressive behavior towards you. No child should witness their parent being a victim to abuse. It causes patterns. Patterns of being like that parent or getting into relationships like their parents. It’s a vicious cycle. 

I hope this artist’s voice gets heard. I hope men learn to treat women equally. I hope no one witnesses abuse. It’s the most awful experience to go through. The fear. The rage. Here in America it’s not tolerated but around the world women are still being victimized to it. Just awful and sad. 

Read the full article here 

There’s A Haunting Memorial Honoring 440 Women Killed By Their Husbands Last Year In Turkey

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