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Monday, January 13, 2020

Thank You For Being In My Life

When was the last time you thanked someone for being in your life. I do it all the time. I even thank you readers for being in my life. For making me feel sharing my stories may help you or heal you or make you smile to feel my love. 

Because that’s what we are suppose to do. Love eachother. Thank those who help build you up.  

We always ask what we are grateful for when we get together.  Tonight we agreed we all had a great day. I said how lucky are we to mostly have great days. How lucky to not have so many bad days and to embrace the good ones. They all agreed. It’s true. 

Tell someone how thankful you are for them. I love hearing it. I always tell people I appreciate them. Because they help heal me. They help me show my true side and live my best life. Life is not perfect but deep down happiness makes it great. 

Are you? Can you say you’re living your best life too? Can you thank someone for loving you and healing you too?

Please do it. Not for me but for your own soul and peace of mind. ❤️

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